September 15, 2022

SSS#6 - City and Nature

Hey everyone. I’d like to report on the progress I’ve made over the past week or so. I am still sketching over and over.

At first I had in mind the story of a man living in a city. Something like this(or please read previous post).

However, I gradually realized that as a painter I did not enjoy painting cities.

(lol, example of trying to emphasize a distinctive style and losing myself.)

I remembered that I like to paint plants anyway.

I had envisioned an urban narrative, but as a painter, I followed my own opinion to the letter, and this is what I ended up producing. It is only an assumption that if one person creates the work alone, everything can be under control. I am troubled by the divergence between myself as a writer and myself as a painter. These sketches will give you an idea of how confused and lost I am. Now, where am I headed?

